Welcome to the OmniMark Code Repository

The OmniMark Code Repository is open to the entire OmniMark community. It is the place to share your code and benefit from the contributions of other like-minded developers. Stilo will also be a regular contributor.

We hope the OmniMark Code Repository will grow to become a rich and varied source of OmniMark libraries and programs that will help the community in day to day programming challenges. It will also provide an invaluable source for learning new and advanced OmniMark programming concepts.

Bookmark this page and check in on it often as it will be updated on an ongoing basis.

Join in the fun and share your code!

Stilo also provides FREE learning resources to help developers get the most out of working with OmniMark, including self-study training courses (Introduction to OmniMark), articles and tips & techniques. Developers (who meet certain criteria) can also request a free 60-day evaluation of OmniMark, strictly for non-production use.

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